Thursday, November 12, 2015

Thanksgiving Countdown, Day 12: Tough as Nails

Life isn't easy for anyone. We all deal with all kinds of crap from time to time. That's just part of living.

Bring it on, life!
I've learned, though, that my trials have made me a better person. They've taught me patience. They've helped me learn empathy. I've stopped worrying so much, because I know now that I'm strong enough to deal with whatever life throws at me. I'm more optimistic, because I've learned to focus on my blessings instead of my problems.

I'm not really grateful that I had to go through the painful stuff I did in order to learn those things. I'd much rather have been an awesome person from the start, and never had to learn anything new. It would be great if I came to Earth a perfect person.

Welcome to the "gun" show
But since that's not the case, I suppose I'm grateful for my trials. They've helped me improve. They've shaped me into someone better, tougher, and happier than I used to be. And since I wasn't that way before, and I am now; and because I can see how the hard times in my life have directly impacted my growth as a person, I can be thankful for the tough times I've been through.

And it helps me have hope for the future, too. If I've gotten through hard things in the past and come out better on the other side, I can do the same with whatever other lemons life flings at me.

It's not always easy, but I do believe it's always possible.

So thanks, trials, for helping me improve as a human being. You don't need to come around too often, though.

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