Friday, November 4, 2011

24 Days of Thanksgiving - Day Four

I'm grateful for all of the opportunities I have had to serve others. I'm especially grateful for the project I'm working on now. And, in conjunction with that, I'm thankful to have such a great support system in my husband and daughter.

I've been working this week on putting together a garage sale. There's a family from our church whose house (and all their belongings) burned down in a fire a couple of weeks ago. My friend Juleigh and I had been planning to have a garage sale anyway, but when we heard about this family's plight, we decided to give all of the money we earned in the garage sale to the family, so they could replace some of what they lost in the fire.

Then, we opened it up to everyone at church. It gave everyone an opportunity to serve! We got lots of donations to the sale, and several helpful suggestions as well. Due to one suggestion, we decided to add a bake sale to the event. The whole thing just kept on growing! We were very excited about being able to help the family.

Then, Juleigh's husband lost his grandfather, and their whole family had to fly to Utah for the funeral. It was really too late to change the date of the garage sale, so I told her to go to Utah, spend time with family, and not worry about it. I'd take over the organizational responsibilities, and we would get it done!

And, for the most part, we've been fine.

It's been pretty stressful at times, though, I won't lie about that. I spent the whole day in the kitchen yesterday making goodies for the bake sale. I was exhausted by the end of the day. Then, I got up before the sun this morning, in 35-degree weather, to help set everything up. And, since it's more or less "my" sale, I had to be there for pretty much the whole thing today (all but the last hour or two), and will repeat it all again tomorrow.

Fortunately, I've had some wonderful people helping me. It hasn't been entirely on my shoulders. I can't even begin to tell you how grateful I am for the help I've had. The ladies at my church are truly Christlike individuals, and I'm so thankful not only for their help, but for their friendship.

Along with the actual, physical help with the garage sale, I've had a deeper kind of support from my husband. He's seen how worn out I've been this week, trying to get things ready. He's been with me during all the times I was so stressed out that I wanted to scream. He's been a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on when I felt overwhelmed. He has been a pillar of support, and I really couldn't have done it without him.

My daughter, Evie, has been fantastic, too. She put up with being dragged out of bed at 5 AM today (and put back to bed in a new location). She played quietly in the house once she was up, so that I could focus on the sale outside. And eventually she came outside with me and sat at the treat table, luring in customers with her adorableness. Her cooperation was also a huge help.

The garage sale isn't over. I have to go back tomorrow and do it all over again. But I know that this is for a good cause, and I know that it will bless the lives of the family who lost their home. We may not make a ton of money, but every little bit can help. And we'll have the joy and satisfaction that comes with serving another of God's children.

Serving certainly isn't always easy. But it's worthwhile all the same. It brings joy and peace to one's heart like nothing else can! And I'm grateful to have had the opportunity. :)

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