Friday, November 22, 2013

Let's Hear it for My Friends!

Interpersonal relationships are so important. No man is an island. And that goes doubly for most women. ;)

As I mentioned yesterday, my strongest relationships when I was growing up were with my family. Moving around so much made it difficult to hold on to friends for more than a year or two.

But I did make friends everywhere we went. It's hard to survive without friends. I imagine that's why so many people who are bullied and ostracized try to hurt themselves. Extreme isolation and loneliness have to be some of the most painful feelings a person can experience. Everyone needs a friend, even if it's just one.

I've tried to teach Evie to be a friend to everyone, but to be especially aware of those who are picked on or lonely. There were times in my life when I was that kid, playing alone on the playground. Fortunately for me, those times were rare. I usually managed to find at least one good friend. But those lonely times were incredibly difficult. And it's got to be much worse for people who are actively pushed away through bullying.

Evie is naturally a very sweet, compassionate girl. And she has the courage to stand up for what she believes in. I hope that she can be a force for good among her lonely peers, and be a friend to anyone who might need one.

That's not an easy job. But I'm hopeful that she has what it takes. If I can raise her right, she can hopefully make a difference in people's lives through her friendship.

I'm very grateful for the friends I've had throughout my life.

When I say "friends," I don't just mean people I hang out with. I also mean all the people who have loved, helped, and supported me. That includes people from church - many of whom are much older or much younger than me - and my extended family and in-laws.

It's amazing what a huge support system I have, when I really look at it. Evie was asking me the other day what would happen to her if Ben and I died. I told her she would go to my parents. And if not them, my sister; and if not her, there are plenty of brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles and friends and people who love her and would take her in. She will never have to be alone, no matter what happens.

I don't think I fully appreciate how wonderful that is. Sometimes I think I take it for granted. I watch a show on TV where there's a kid whose parents are dead or unsuitable, and they have no living relatives or friends of the family who can take them in. Part of me thinks that's ridiculous, because how can anyone be so isolated?? But the fact is, it does happen! Look at all the kids in foster care. If they had a support system like Evie does, they wouldn't need to be in the custody of the state.

Having so many friends, family, and loved ones is such a huge blessing.

I'm not trying to say that I'm super popular and lovable. I'm not really all that outgoing and bubbly. People aren't necessarily drawn to me. In school I usually had just a few good friends, and I'm not so different now. But because I'm blessed with a large family, and with the gospel in my life (which has given me hundreds of "church family" members), and between meeting people through theater and music, and from living all over the world... all those people add up to a fairly massive number. And each one of them has had a hand in shaping my life.

We are a product of our experiences. Every moment I've had in my life with another human being has changed me in some way. And I have been so blessed to have crossed paths with many of the greatest people in the world.

I'm grateful for my relationships, and for each one of you reading this. I hope that I've been able to change your lives in some small way, as you have changed mine.

And if so, I hope that change was a positive one! ;)

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