Saturday, December 27, 2008

Moms Need Mars Needs Moms

One of the best books in the entire cosmos is "Mars Needs Moms" by Berkley Breathed. He's the guy who does the Bloom County comics, and his illustrations in this book are works of art. The story itself is beautiful as well, but the art adds a dimension to the story that quadruples its effectiveness. Not to mention that there are little details that make the pictures hilarious and charming and beautiful, all at the same time.

If you haven't read this book, you should. Anyone who has a mother will be moved by the story, and anyone who IS a mother will not be able to finish it without bawling like a baby. Well, some might, but if so they must be aliens and not have normal human emotions.

I've actually owned this book a couple of times, but whenever I go to a baby shower I can't help but make this book part of my gift. There have been a couple of times where I couldn't find a copy in time, so I've given my own copy away. Today we bought it again, because I honestly HAVE to own this book. I've decided that I refuse to give my copy away again. I'm too scared that I won't be able to find it again if I do.

Ben was reading it to Evie in the car while I drove. I've heard it before, so I wasn't paying a ton of attention, but it was near the end and I glanced over and looked at the picture. He had just turned the page and hadn't resumed reading yet. I didn't hear any words, just saw the illustration. And I started crying.

Seriously, folks! This is a powerful book. Powerful, but funny at the same time. And it's totally something that anyone who's ever been a child can relate to. And as I said before, anyone who's a mother will see the fact behind this work of fiction as well, and will more than likely be moved to tears.

I'm blogging about this book because I feel that every household in the world should own a copy of this book. I doubt that day will come, but if it does, it will be a happy day indeed. :)

1 comment:

Ashley and Zane said...

I am going to have to pick that up next time I am at a bookstore! Thanks! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are feeling a bit better. Don't worry, I have been in my current ward forever and I sit alone in Relief Society most weeks. I feel your pain about that anyway. Keep smiling and I am sure you will make friends soon, because they will realize what a wonderful person you are. Cass, you have many talents and have a wonderful spirit about you. People will soon realize and will want to get to know you better!