Saturday, January 2, 2010

Let's Resolve Things

I don't usually worry about making New Year's resolutions, because I don't usually keep them anyway. I'm terrible, I know. But recently I've been trying to make changes in my life, and since it happens to be close to New Year's, we might as well call them "New Year's resolutions" and leave it at that. Maybe this time they'll actually stick!

I resolve to work out every day except Sundays, barring illness or other unforseen conflicts. This week has been a success, I worked out Monday-Saturday, for an hour each day. It's so easy to do, I really have no excuse not to. There's a gym on base, and it's completely free for military personnel and their families. And in the gym, there's a family room where parents can exercise while their children play. Evie loves it there, and I can work out without worrying about her being underfoot. I have a few friends who go around the same time as me most days, and it's fun to see them and socialize a little. So really, it's super easy, convenient, and fun! I also just bought a $90 pair of running shoes, so if I'd better keep going every day! So far, it's been great. I had shin splints and blisters the first couple of days, but the new shoes fixed those problems and now it's all good. I feel more energized, I feel stronger, I feel more self-confident. I've lost 2 lbs. this week, which is great!

Another resolution, which goes along with the first, is to fit into my white and yellow evening gown for graduation. I bought it last summer, and it fit beautifully. Seriously gorgeous dress. Then, I had that hysterical pregnancy a few months ago and gained about 10 lbs. Since it turns out there's no baby, there's no reason I shouldn't be able to wear my dress for graduation in February. BUT, because of the weight I gained, it's a little too tight. I can still zip it, but it's uncomfortable and not nearly as flattering. So I'm trying to lose the weight and wear the dress. Two pounds is a good start if you ask me! Overall, I want the exercise routine to become a habit so my life is healthier in general, but at least I have a goal to work toward for the first six weeks. That'll give me a good start.

Finally, I resolve to have another baby this year. Granted, I can't do anything about it aside from what Ben and I are already doing... But still, it's a goal that I'm hopeful we'll be able to meet. Even if I got pregnant immediately, there would be almost a 4-year age difference between Evie and the next child. That seems like such a big gap to me, I really don't want it to be any more than that. On the other hand, I didn't really want it to be more than 3 years age difference, and that boat has sailed. All I can really do is hope and pray for this one, but it's a resolution I'm definitely dedicated to.

That's it for my resolutions. If things work out like I hope they will, I'll meet all three of them! Check back occasionally for progress reports!


Alyssa said...

Good resolutions, Stuie! Good luck with them!

A tip I heard for working out is to split your time between cardio and weight training. Cardio gets your heart rate up and burns more calories and then weight training tones and helps build lean muscle which is essential for keeping weight off. The trick with lean muscle, though, is to switch up your routines so that your muscles rip in different ways. Once they rip in one way, they callous over so it's harder to get them to continue to improve. That's why people think they "plateau" in their workouts. You have to vary weight routines so the muscles can find different places to rip and develop, but in a toned way not in a body builder way.

That's another reason why I want to get some small weights to go with my at-home workouts.

Ashley and Zane said...

Sounds good to me! Keep up the good work!

Heather said...

As always you inspire me. I have made a few goals myself...some of them are simple and kind of stupid but I guess it is all to the eye of the beholder. Keep it up! Love ya!!