Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Work It On Out

So I've been working out regularly for a month now, and it's amazing how fast my body is changing! Not appearance-wise; in that regard, it's amazing how fast it's not changing. I've only lost 2 lbs. But stamina-wise, I'm on fire.

I've been logging my activities every day at presidentschallenge.com, and looking back over the past month, I'm definitely doing a lot more now than I was then.

Four weeks ago, I was working out 45-60 minutes a day.

Now, it's weird if I don't work out at least 90 minutes a day.

Four weeks ago, my goal every day was to burn at least 250 calories per workout.

Now, I'm upset with myself if I don't hit at least 600.

Four weeks ago, I was basically speed-walking on the treadmill, biking at a level 1, and... that was it.

Now, I spend at least half of my time on the treadmill running, I bike at a level 6 or 7, and I also do 15-20 minutes going as hard as I can on the eliptical machine.

Four weeks ago, my legs (especially my shins) hurt so bad after a workout that I could barely walk the next day.

Now, my shins ache a little but it's not holding me back or slowing me down in any way. They pretty much only ache when I try to sit on them while kneeling.

I have enough energy to chase Evie, take her to the playground, dance with her in the kitchen, and play games with her that normally would exhaust me.

I sleep better at night, and get more accomplished during the day.

I've made lots of friends at the gym that I get to socialize with every day.

I haven't been even a little bit sick since I started working out. (Coincidence? Okay, maybe)

Most importantly, I feel fantastic. It's a great sense of accomplishment, to look back over your workout and realize that you've run a mile and a half, walked another mile, gone 7 miles on a bike and done almost two miles on an eliptical - and burned 700 calories.

Yeah, it's kind of annoying that my body isn't looking as good as it feels, but as my endurance increases and I burn more and more calories, the weight is going to have to come off, right? I just hope I can lose those 6 lbs. or so I'm trying to get rid of before Ben's pilot graduation. It's in three and a half weeks!

Wish me luck!