Sunday, January 18, 2009

Princesses and Pirates

Evie loves princesses. She has about 20 princess costumes and accessories. She has a princess couch, princess chair, princess bedspread, several princess books, all the Disney princess movies, all but one of the Disney princess Barbie dolls, and a whole multitude of other princess paraphernalia. She's always telling me which princess she is for the day, and practically lives in her costumes. She watches princess movies all the time. She listens to and sings their songs all day long. Her greatest ambition in life is to be a real-life princess.

Until now.

Suddenly, somewhere along the past week or so, Evie decided that she'd rather be a pirate. Yes, folks, you heard me correctly. A PIRATE.

I have no idea where she got this from.

There has been the occasional reference to pirates in shows she watches and books she reads, but they are few and far between. I don't know why she suddenly latched on to the pirating world so firmly. I'm not sure she even knows what a pirate IS. But suddenly, she only wants to read pirate books and wear pirate clothes.

It's kind of hilarious. If I tell her, "You're my favorite girl" she says "No I'm a pirate. I'm Pirate Evie". That's pretty much what she insists I call her these days.

The other day we were in the car, and I was telling her that boys and girls are different. I said "Daddy's a boy, and Mommy and Evie are girls!" Her response was, "No. Daddy's a boy, Mommy's a girl, and Evie's a pirate." I bet you didn't know that "pirate" is another gender, like "boy" and "girl". Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

So now my cute baby girl, the gorgeous sweetheart who used to introduce herself as "Princess Evie", has become "Pirate Evie". She wears the rattiest clothes she has (which, let's face it, aren't very ratty), and she says "Arr!" a lot. And I have to change all the princess stories I read to her to pirate stories. Her favorite is Princess Penelope's Parrot, which has become Pirate Penelope's Parrot.

What a little weirdo. Totally cute, totally funny, and completely weird.

I think she gets it from her uncles and aunt. They're obsessed with pirates, too.

Although, I can't complain. Better a pirate than a ninja!


Alyssa said...

Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!

Cass said...

That's pretty much what Andrew and Daniel's responses were, too.

Ashley and Zane said...

That is pretty dang cute, and funny!! Little kids do the most random things!