Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness

I've already talked about this on Facebook, but it was so nice, I wanted to write about it somewhere a little more permanent.

Yesterday, Evie and I went to Red Robin for dinner. While we were there, I talked to Evie a little bit about her dad coming home from his deployment soon. We talked about other things, too, but I'm guessing that the deployment talk is what led to the next thing that happened.

As we were finishing our dinner, the waitress came up to us with our ticket, and told me, "The people at the table next to yours paid for your meal. They asked me to wait until they were gone to tell you."

I looked over, and sure enough, they were gone.

I can only assume that they overheard me talking to Evie about Ben, and decided to pay for our dinner. It was their way of showing their appreciation for the military and their families.

I was truly touched. I've never had anyone do something like that for me before. And the fact that they had the waitress wait to tell me until after they had left speaks volumes about their character.

They weren't looking for praise. They didn't even want my thanks. They just wanted to do something nice for a military family who have been without a husband/father. I was seriously blown away.

The whole experience has made me think about what random acts of kindness I can perform for other people. It's such a simple thing, to keep your eyes open and be aware of people who might need a little boost. I'm not generally that aware of the needs of people around me, though. So that's something I'd like to work on. I'd like to be the one anonymously performing acts of kindness for other people, to lift their spirits and brighten their day.

I want to pay it forward.

Just imagine! If performing random acts of kindness inspires others to start doing the same, and paying it forward, how quickly the world would become a better place!

I'm not saying we could cure all poverty and injustices and bring about world peace, but the world would certainly become a nicer place in which to live. All it takes is a little observation, and the willingness to act.

I'm grateful for those strangers at Red Robin last night. I'm touched that they recognized our status as a military family and chose to show their support for our troops in such a tangible way. It certainly wasn't necessary - I had the money to pay for the food, of course! - but it was thoughtful and kind. They brightened my day, and made me feel a little better about the military's claim on my husband's time. It's nice to know that our sacrifice is appreciated.

And hopefully I can find opportunities to perform my own random acts of kindness. I didn't get to thank that family last night personally, so I figure this is how I can show my gratitude; by paying it forward!

(I found this illustration online. I don't know who drew it, but I love it! I hope they don't mind me posting it here!)

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