I was thinking about it today, and I can honestly say that I wouldn't trade my life for anyone else's in the whole existence of the world. Yes, I have my trials and tribulations. Yes, life is hard sometimes. Yes, sometimes I wish some things were different from the way they are. But when you get right down to it, I'm crazy lucky to have my life. 

Most especially, I'm crazy lucky to have my husband.
I know what you other married ladies in the reading audience are thinking: "Well, her husband might be good, but he's not as great as my husband!" Well, I'm here to tell you that you're wrong. My husband is better. ;)
Okay, okay, it's a matter of opinion. I realize that. You may very well believe that your husband is the best in the world, and in fact, I hope you do. I hope that each and every one of you thinks your hubby is tops. Because that's the way it should be.
But still, mine's the best.
Anyway, allow me to illuminate why my husband is the best in the world.
1) He's handsome. Not just stereotypically, movie-star handsome, either. It goes beyond that. He has these blue eyes that you could drown in. And he's got one of those long, straight, proud Roman-esque noses. And his eyebrows have this unique curve to them, so he's got this perpetually interested, sweet, innocent look on his face. I love those eyebrows. I know, that sounds weird, but it's true. He's a little self-conscious about them, I think, because I comment on them a lot (and let's face it, eyebrows are a strange thing to comment on), but I do it because I genuinely love them. They make his whole face more interesting, and more handsome.
2) He has the world's best arms. They're nice and long, lean, and have just the right amount of muscle on them. He wraps his arms around me, and I just melt. I feel so safe when he holds me, like nothing bad can ever touch me again. His arms are strong, but gentle too. Going along with that, he's got these big, strong hands. They're also super gentle. His hands always feel so soft when he touches me. They convey his feelings perfectly, too. When he touches me, I can feel in his touch how much he loves me.

4) He's an Air Force pilot! Is there a cooler profession in the entire world? If so, I haven't heard about it. It's exciting to realize that I'm married to a pilot. There are probably thousands of women in the world (probably more), that wish they could marry a pilot. It's such a cool job! He flies multi-million-dollar machines through the sky, fighting bad guys! Evil-doers, beware! ;)

5) He's a worthy priesthood holder. He's given me lots of blessings over the years we've been married. He's helped me get through difficult times with multiple blessings. When Evie gets seriously sick, he's the first one I turn to, because I know he has the power to help her get better. He has that power because he lives worthy of it. He tries his best every day to keep God's commandments and live like he's supposed to. He's a virtuous, wise, spiritual man who tries to emulate the Savior in every aspect of his life. I know that I can turn to him for counsel when faced with a problem, and he's in tune enough with the Spirit to be able to give me wise advice.
6) He's patient. We rarely fight, because he rarely gets annoyed. Even when I'm being difficult, he takes it all in stride and waits for me to calm down (and feel sheepish about things), so we can talk it out. He's patient with Evie, too. If she throws a fit, he just tells her, "You can cry if it makes you feel better" and waits for her to chill. I've never heard him raise his voice in anger. Because of his patience, I've become a more patient person as well. I haven't gotten to the same amazing level that he's at, and I'm not sure that I ever will, but I've definitely grown. I've noticed that instead of snapping at him when I'm annoyed, I stop and think about the situation first. Usually, I'll recognize what I've done wrong in the situation instead of focusing on what he did to annoy me. I'm able to let go of my anger and frustration. Usually, no conflict will arise at all. It's amazing how he's made me a better person, just by being so patient himself.
7) He's 100% loyal to me. He seriously thinks I'm some sort of
goddess. If I have a bad dream about him cheating on me, or divorcing me, he just tells me that I'm crazy because that would never happen. He doesn't even look at underwear ads in magazines or at the mall. He doesn't even notice them. He only sees me. I don't think he even recognizes that women besides me really are women. He just sees them as "people." If we pass an attractive young lady at the store or on the street, he doesn't notice her. At all. She just doesn't register. He's got blinders on as far as other women are concerned, and I love that. I don't feel like I'm all that pretty, but I have absolutely no doubt that he thinks I'm the most gorgeous creature God ever created. Going along with that, he has absolutely no respect for men who do have wandering eyes. There's nothing more disgusting to him than the thought of infidelity. In this world, where adultery is commonplace - even encouraged sometimes! - he's a minor miracle. And I know that he'll have eyes for no one else but me for the rest of eternity. That's the best feeling in the world.

8) He trusts me and supports my decisions. He'll offer advice and suggestions, but when I'm in charge of something in the home, he lets me be in charge. He doesn't look over my shoulder and tell me what I'm doing wrong. He doesn't try to make me do things his way. He sees me as an equal, even as his superior in some ways (although I can't say I fully agree with him in that regard). As his wife, I'm not beneath him. I don't walk behind him. I walk beside him, as an equal partner. He's not a tyrant or a dictator. He respects my opinion, and trusts my judgment.
9) He's smart. This guy can fix a computer, or make it do things I didn't even know were possible. He barely has to study for his pilot training, because he retains information so well. He's got an amazing analytical mind. He studied engineering in college for a while before switching to linguistics. Both of those lines of study are pretty brainy. He wants to learn Arabic and Mandorin, as well as easier languages like Spanish and French. He can solve complex math problems that I can't even read without getting a headache. He's a brain, but he's also humble about it.

10) He loves our family. He treats me like a queen, and our little girl like a bona-fide princess. He's kind, gentle, patient, and loving. He makes time to play games with Evie, even when he's tired or busy. He'll stay up late talking to me, even though he's exhausted, because he knows how much I appreciate that time we have together. He works hard to support our family, but always makes sure to have quality time with us. He even chose a sim schedule at work recently that lets him be home with us all day, even though it means working until 3 in the morning. He wanted to be able to be home for dinner, and to help put Evie to bed, so he picked the more difficult schedule. One of his main reasons for joining the military in the first place was to help keep our family safe. He wanted to ensure our safety, and the safety of our county, by personally fighting to guarantee that safety. He's our hero.
Those are just a few of the millions of reasons I love my husband. He truly is a gift from God. I never imagined that such a man existed, and now I'm married to him! He's mine forever, and I am his.

See? I told you I was lucky. :)
I am speechless!
Well written, full of love, a great reminder to us all...sometimes life gets a tad too busy and we forget to notice the little, yet monumental things we have.
I am REALLY glad Ben married you.
What a sweet thing to say! I'm glad he married me, too. :)Not least, because that's how I got to be friends with you! I should have added that to my list. ;)
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