Sunday, November 16, 2008


So my cute little sis and her hubby came to spend the weekend with us. It was so fun! I hadn't really gotten the chance to hang out with them since they got married. Since I'm moving next week, it was really important to me to get to see her before I left. So this was really great.

They just left about 5 minutes ago, and already I'm feeling a deep sense of loss. I know I'll see them again, they even talked about flying out to visit us in Oklahoma, but it's going to be weird moving so far away. I love my sister a LOT. And her husband is awesome, he fits in perfectly with the rest of our crazy family. It would have been really nice to have been around a while longer, to get to know him a little better, and to spend more time with her. But no matter how much extra time I got, it would never have been enough. She's one of my very best friends, and moving away will be hard no matter when it happens. So I suppose next week is as good a time as any.

I feel so lucky to know that I can be with my family after death. Even if something (heaven forbid) happened to me, or happened to my sister, we would still see each other again. I have absolutely no doubts about that. That's one of the most wonderful tenets of the LDS faith - eternal families.

God gave us families for a reason. I know my family has always been (in my mind) a shining example of what heaven must be like. I come from an ideal family, the kind that God wishes all of His children could have. I have good parents who love each other and their children. They're devoted to God and trying to live the was He wants them to. They never lashed out at us in anger or frustration. They always respected us, even as small children. They listened to us. They taught us good principles. The nurtured us, physically and spiritually. I am fully aware of how rare and precious a gift it was for me to have been raised with the family I have.

So many homes today are broken. There's abuse, neglect, anger, hate. Often children are raised by only one parent, or have to watch as their parents go through bitter divorces and custody battles. Stuff like that can screw a kid up. But my family was ideal, the kind of family that God had in mind when He invented families. That's why He makes it possible for us to be with our families forever - He knows what an incredible blessing they can be. I am so grateful that I am sealed to my family forever, just like I'm sealed to Ben and my children. They will always be my family.

That's why, even though I'm sad to be saying good-bye to my sister, I'm not afraid. I'm not crying. My heart isn't breaking. Because I know that, no matter what happens, I'll see her again. She will always be my sister, and there will never be a time when I have to say good-bye forever. There will always be a "next time" to look forward to.

I love you, Lu! I'll miss you.


Alyssa said... think I'm cute. She thinks I'm cude! She thinks I'm cuuuuuude!!!

Ashley and Zane said...

Hi Cassie!!!! Your blog is so cute!! It was fun to get together for lunch, we really should have done it more often! Check out my blog Good luck with the move!